The Abbey

_________ Live Your Purpose

Find meaning in your work.

Our culture has separated our spiritual nature from our work experience- relegating the spiritual quest to our churches, self-help section of a bookstore, or some other spiritual pursuit.  Yet fulfillment in our work is fundamentally a spiritual search. 

At the Abbey we believe that reintegrating spiritual life with business principles in community will lead to renewed life and purpose in our work.

Beauty. Community. Purpose.

Spiritual life is relational. To reintegrate spiritual life, we must reintegrate relationship in our work: relationship with God, with each other, and with the natural order in our world.  

These fundamental relationships inform the core values of The Abbey


Beauty is goodness made manifest to the senses- Dallas Willard

Beauty is our experience of God in the physical world. This experience inspires awe and wonder, and it reminds us that life is more than mere existence. When we connect our work with beauty, we experience meaningful work.


As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10

Community is shared participation in the experience and creation of beauty.  We thrive in community. We experience belonging. We challenge and encourage and learn. We serve and grow. Working in community creates a meaningful work environment.


Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever- The Westminster Shorter Catechism

As we live in our purpose, we experience fulfillment and joy. People reflect God’s image  and cultivate beauty in the world.  In relationship with God, we create and we build. We discover and we nurture. We renew and reorder. The end result is a sense of fulfillment and joy that we share with God and each other.


Our Offerings

  • Romans 12:1 

    Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

At the Abbey, our values express themselves in offerings that we believe is consistent with how we are called to create and beautify our world.

Through collaborative space, community rhythms, and equipping, we strive to help creators discover and execute their purpose with excellence and sustainability.

Red coffee cup and beans on dark  table. Top view with copy space

Collaborative Space

The place where members come together, share experiences, exchange ideas, and spur each other on to live our purposes.

Community Rhythms

Spiritual rhythms establish consistency and sustainability in our work, define what’s important and connect us to a larger community and purpose.  


To be effective, we have to know what, how, and why we do what we do.  Programs in spiritual and business principles and specific work skills maintain alignment of our work to our purpose.

Creating Culture

The Abbeys of the 4th and 5th Centuries were central hubs of culture, thought, and industry for their communities. They had schools, storehouses, forges, infirmaries, community halls. They were self-sustaining, others-focused, and they fostered the growth of human civilization for the next 1000 years. 

We believe that a group of creators who sit at the intersection of the arts, spirituality, and entrepreneurship can still today make an impact that will resonate for generations to come.   Together, we can influence our town, our nation, and our world if we are intentional about engaging our purpose.

We exist to help each other do just that. Welcome to the Abbey.

The Abbey Murfreesboro is a recognized 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.